Title: Words written in reverse Fandom: The Raven Cycle Pairing: Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish Wordcount: 3297 Note: Written for "Destino", "Esodo" "Numeri" for "Explorer del Poliverso" per Landedifandom
Titolo: Toeing the line Fandom: The raven cycle Parole: 4516 Riassunto: Adam's life is always a compromise between what he wants and what he can have. Note: HP!AU scritta per il promp "All'ultimo minuto" per Landedifandom
Titolo: The witch of the Henrietta Wilds Fandom: The raven cycle Parole: 6000 Riassunto: Adam's life as an apostate isn't exactly easy. It gets harder when two Grey Warden arrive in the village. Note: Scritta per la M5 della 7° settimana del COWT9 per "Terra"
Titolo: Homework and other wooing methods Fandom: The raven cycle Parole: 5263 Riassunto: Adam has never met a homework he can't get an A on. Until their professor tells them to write a poem Note: Scritta per la M9 della 7° settimana del COWT9 per "ERATO: canto corale e poesia amorosa"